Name of Activity

The unique “Chinese type-cast” art


・To understand the features of different Chinese fonts.
・To explore the techniques of the “Chinese type-cast” art.
・To acknowledge the techniques of using a seal.

Brief Descriptions

First, play the “Bingo” game with children, and each child needs to hold two cards and take turns passing one card to their classmates in the same direction. If children hold the same cards, children should shout “Bingo!” and show the pair of cards. With teacher’s guidance, children try to name the characteristics of different fonts after observation and comparison, then to design different types of fonts with online font-designing websites . After learning various Chinese fonts, children choose a single word from their name as a representative and have to draw the word on a foam board under guidance. Then, children cast the foam board as a Chinese seal with bamboo sticks, and stamp their personal works after coloring the stamp. Hence, to help children experience the structure of Chinese characters through the extended use of Chinese seals.

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Name of Activity

Let‘s knit the Auspicious Knot


・To understand that the Auspicious Knot is a traditional Chinese handicraft.
・To learn to knit Auspicious Knot.
・To develop interests in traditional Chinese handicrafts.

Brief Descriptions

During the presentation of traditional Knots, the teacher and children discuss the characteristics of knots after observation and explorations, such as ways to knit a knot or the matching of accessories and knots.
First, to show pictures of traditional costumes to guide children to consider why ancient people wore knots, and to share the meaning and the use of making knots. Finally, children learn to knit an Auspicious Knot and decorate the knot with beads, thus, cultivating children’s interest in Chinese culture.

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Name of Activity

The Exploration of Chinese Brush


・To learn the characteristics of the Chinese Brush.
・To understand that the Chinese Brush is an invention of China.
・To enjoy drawing lines with Chinse Brush.

Brief Descriptions

Children can explore the structural characteristics of the Chinese Brush through observations and touching the brush, and to help children understand that the Chinese Brush is an invention of China through the diverse sharing of children.
First, children learn to draw thick and fine lines with the Chinese Brush on Chinese Rice Paper and are allowed to experience different skills while wielding the brush. Later, each child is asked to draw a “Bamboo”, and then to share their artwork with each other, children can experience the specialty of the Chinese Brush and therefore cultivate children’s recognition of the Chinese culture.

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